....and the Lord called her home to Heaven late this morning. It was so upsetting seeing her suffering and knowing all we could do was pray for her and try to make her comfortable.....I know we will see each other again when my time on this earth is done, but in the meantime I will miss her sooo, sooo much. She was such a special person to me ~ more than 'just my aunt' and brought me such joy whenever I was with her.....she always had a smile and a hug for me... I will miss our camping trips and sitting at the kitchen table visiting whenever we were in town, catching up on the lastest goings-on. I will miss our phone calls. I will miss hearing her laugh and watching her and Uncle Glenn joshing around with each other...... I will never forget after high school ~ before I started college, she let me live at her house when my parents moved away....that was a special summer and I will always hold all those memories close to my heart. I suppose that is why losing a loved one is so hard......knowing all you have left is the memories you shared and knowing there will be no more new ones to create......I just pray they never fade from my heart and mind....
Please keep our family in your prayers as we grieve...........Rest In Peace Aunt Joann, you meant the world to me.......