Sorry it's been a few weeks since my last post! We did a garage sale the weekend of the 18th and then this last wekend we went camping with my brother, his family and my parents and we had so much fun. We got back Sunday night and it has taken me a few days to re-coup! :0)

Boy, the kids wore themselves out playing with their cousins- that's my brothers two kids, Codi and Garrett with Sage and Chad.

We camped up on Green Mountain, which is only about an hour and a half or so from our house. The first day, we all rode our four wheelers to the top and were lucky enough to see this herd of wild horses. Most of them roam the Red Desert below and I'm pretty sure this herd lives up here year round. They didn't stick around too long and I was lucky to get this picture when I did....

When we rode around the backside of the mountain, we saw this little yearling hanging with some cattle....we really freaked him out and he let his curiousity get the best of him because you could really tell he wanted to run away but he wanted to check us out a little first. LOL.

One of the views from the top. You could see for miles and miles....

Thats my dad in the suspenders taking in the scenery. :0) I'm not sure what Craig is doing. LOL.

This was my favorite....this spot at the top is called Wild Horse Point Lookout. That's the start of the Red Desert below...

Our state flower: The Indian Paintbrush. It is so pretty and it was blooming EVERYWHERE there! I mean the were practically fields of them. Sage was bummed she couldn't pick them....we get in trouble with the state of we get caught plucking these babies.We even had our own private patch of wild strawberries right by our camper. They were small, but tasty!

My little guy picked this tiny blossom just for me!

The second day we all drove out by the Oregon/Mormon trail area and hunted for agates and arrowheads. It was a lot of fun, but boy it was hot on the prairie! Whew! Luckily we didn't run into any rattlesnakes.

This is one of the landmarks along the Oregon Trail- called Split Rock. apparently when the emigrants were traveling, it could be seen for 3 days on their journey. Once they reached this point, it took them 6 days to reach South Pass City which is only about an hour and a half away....could you imagine that? Makes ya feel lucky we don't rely on covered wagon for transportation, eh? I think this area of the Sweetwater Valley is so pretty.
So that's been it lately. I haven't done any creating either. My mom had a bunch of her garage sale stuff stored in my craft room and now that her stuff is out, I have so much more room. I spent yesterday and today cleaning out and re-organizing, which it really needed. It was cool and rained all last night and all day today which really got me in the mood to start on Fall and Christmas stuff. There's something about the hot summer weather that makes it hard for me to get motivated to make Pumpkins and Candy canes. Ok, so I guess I'm trying to say the hot weather makes me lazy. LOL. I know the summertime does that to a lot of us! I'm waiting until I have a few things finished before I share my selling site, so stay tuned! :0)
It looks like you guys had a lot of fun. I love the horses!!! and the cows too. I'm a country girl at heart :) I'm headed off to girls camp myself on Tues. and will be back Friday. I'm looking forward to it. Hope your weekend is good,
Hey GF...looks like you had a great time and everyone had fun...your kids are getting so big!!! I need to see them!!!
LOVE your new profile pic too...you sexy girl you!!! lol...
Miss talking to you but know it has been crazy!!! Talk to you soon!!
Love ya,
I just came from a vacation in Oregon. We were in Myrtle Creek!
Your handmade dolls are gorgeous! I have yet to try the 3d- rounded heads.Beautiful! I'd like to invite you to come celebrate with me on Sept 7th
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