Saturday, January 31, 2009
Americana Spring Doll...
Saturday, January 24, 2009
A few dolls to share......and a few awards!
I know, I know! It's been a few weeks since my last post, but honestly I have been working my little fingers to the bone in the craft room. I have a few dollies all finished for a local gal and I wanted to share.
My camera was giving me problems, but now its working again- thank goodness! I think its days are numbered and its trying to tell me that I need to hurry up and find a replacement and quick, LOL. This first doll is from a You Are Special pattern. Love the big head and squinty eyes!
This washday Mammy doll turned out so great, I think. She is so much neater in person. She is from a Be Fruitful Kreations pattern. She is pretty small (15 inches..), but has tons of details on her. I needle sculpted her nose and lips, fingers, toes and even her washboard.
I penciled on her eyes, toenails and fingernails with artists pencil. She has a wee bit of sheeps wool felted in place with a headwrap updo. Her arms are even button jointed so they will move up and down. I was really happy how her skin color turned out- a beautiful golden brown.
Linda over at Meadowbrook Cabin Primitives gave me two awards and I promised her I would put them on my blog in my next post.

'This blog invests and believes in the PROXIMITY - nearness in space, time and relationships. These blogs are exceedingly charming. These kind bloggers' aim to find and be friends. They are not interested in prizes for self-aggrandizement! Our hope is that when the ribbons of these prizes are cut, even more friendships are propagated. Please give more attention to these writers!'
I am supposed to pass this award on to eight fellow bloggers, but so many have either already received this award or wish to be an award free blog. So what I will do is offer this award to anyone on my blog list and please feel free to snag it.
She also gave me this award, too! Thank you very much Linda! :0) Now, for this award I am supposed to list a few addictions I have......let's see here....

#1- My family. They rank #1! I don't know what I would do without them around me! :0)
#2- Stoneware. I love everything stoneware! Crocks, jugs, jars, bowls- you name it! Of course you can tell from my earlier posts that I collect Red Wing....I guess I could say I am addicted to all primitive antiques, but stoneware is my fav to collect.
#3- Fabric. Yes, I admit it! I have a fabric problem! LOL! It's beginning to take over the craft room! Yikes!
#4- Thrift Shops. I am a thrift store junkie through and through! Of course I can't pass up a yard sale or antique shop either!
#5- Pepsi. Yes, I am a Pepsi-holic! Call me crazy!
#6- Trident Chewing gum. I love chewing gum- but it has to be sugar free. I know, I'm weird!
Ok, I am supposed to pass this along to other bloggers, but again, with so many already getting this award and those that have gone award free, I will leave it open for anyone wanting to play. Again Linda, thank you so much for thinking of me! Girls, you should really go have a peek at Linda's blog. She makes the neatest dollies and things! She also has some goodies on Ebay, WSOAPP and Simply Primitives.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Where the heck does the time go?
Boy, ever since my last post I feel like I have been in a whirlwind! My last post was before Christmas and here it is the end of the first week in January! Life is finally slowing down a little and Sage is now back in preschool so it's back to reality again! LOL. It's been a while since my last post because my mother has been going through some really tough times since right before Christmas and I have been trying to help her out- its a brand spanking new year and she can start over fresh. I turned the big 3-0 on the 27th, then realized two days ago that my drivers license expired on my birthday and I had been driving around for ten days with no idea! I was lucky I didn't get caught! I have also taken advantage of the break in doll making and such to reorganize and clean the craft room a little- and boy did it need that! LOL. I had taken a few special orders before Christmas and need to get working on those before the time gets away from me again. I also want to list some dolls on ebay- I haven't done anything there for quite a while. I did have a doll or two leftover from the 12 Days of Christmas shoppe and had thought about offering them for an after Christmas discount here. Let me know if anyone is interested- I can email pics or just post them here.
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