The rules of this award are as follows :
*Put the logo on your blog.
*Add a link to the person who awarded you.
*Nominate at least seven other blogs.
*Add links to those blogs on your blog.
*Leave a message for your nominee on their blog.
I get to pass it on to 7 other gals....tough decision. So many great blogs and talented artists out there to choose from.....so here goes:
I'm passing it on to:
Joleen- The Primitive Bucket~she is one of the nicest people you could ever meet (she also makes awesome candy corn ornies and pinwheels...)
Carolee- King of Mice Studios~ This gal can sure paint! Talk about being born with a paintbrush in your hand...be sure you check her stuff out!
Joyce- Enchanted Productions~I so admire her talent! She makes the most wonderfuly spooky little dollies....so much detail and personality in each piece!
Chris- The Antique Pallet~ Another master of the paintbrush! I don't think there is anything this girl can't paint on and turn it into a work of art!
Christy- CC's Whimsies~ She makes the most wonderful, whimsical little paper clay pieces! This girl can paint, too! Check her out...
Kathy-Kittredge Mercantile~ I had the pleasure of meeting Kathy a few months ago and truly admire what she can accomplish! She makes some nice primitive handmades....I even have a few of her old quilt bears and love 'em!
Shelley-Kissing Fish Primitives~ She sure makes some neat dollies with tons of detail and character. I think my fav of hers is Olivia and her Pumpkin suit-love those pumpkin slippers.... :0)
Awwww, thanks so much for the award! Love your work and your blog....and your kids are just adorable!
~ Carolee
You're welcome! :0)
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