I have also done a little rearranging, too. I moved my old Victrola cabinet over to this corner by the stairs. I think I like it here better.

Sorry about the funky angle- hallway pictures are hard to take. lol.
And the bowl rack I made also. I used a pattern from The Wooden Nail. I cut all the pieces, Craig put it together for me and I did the finish work. I think it turned out great!
I've had this bunting since last year and never could find the right place for it- then realized this was the perfect spot. Duh! Don't know why I never thought of it before.

I am really happy with this makeover. I had this old porch post for a few years now (this isn't the one from a few posts back- that one is way chunkier). I had debated on making a birdhouse for the top to put outside, but never got around to it. Then I had an idea to turn it into a floor lamp for the front room. It was 8 ft, so I cut it to size. As luck would have it- it has a hollow center that hides the power cord and I made the base from a square piece of 1x6 wood and moulding. When I had bought the post it was already painted white, so I left it as it was. A little sanding and staining...and wa-la! It turned out awesome!
The finish is very similar to the pie safe, isn't that neat?
Remember this little lamp I found for $3? I finally got a shade for it.
And this is what I did with the corner by the fireplace...
I had found this old door at the ReStore on one of my trips to Riverton to visit my dad. It was $10 and I thought at the time that it would make a nice prop for craft shows- you know with some shelves on the front or something. Speaking of craft shows-I know I have a handful of locals that read my blog and didn't know if you had heard, but I found out through a friend that Highland Park is no longer doing their annual November craft fair. I'm bummed. We used to have three holiday craft fairs in November. Meals on Wheels canceled theirs a few years ago and I have no idea if the Rec center is doing them anymore...what a shame. Looks like Twelve Days is all we have left folks. I haven't heard where the shoppe is going to be at yet this year, but I'll be sure to post it on my blog when I do find out.....so anyway, back to the door.....
Well it had been in the garage since then and I brought it in a few weeks ago and cleaned it up. Am I a crazy person to have a door propped up their front living room for decoration? Craig think so. lol I moved the big ladder into our bedroom- I'll share that in my next post though. I wanted to have pictures of the bedroom makeover this time but I'm working on some curtains for the windows and hopefully then it will feel like it will be finished.

Mine and Craig's 10 year anniversary is on Thursday. For the first time since we got married we will get to go out to dinner on our anniversary- every year since then he has been scheduled to work on July 15th. I'm really excited! :0) Talk to you soon!
I love reading your posts. The house decorations are Beautiful.
Sorry about the craft shows. It seems to be the way they are going.
Happy Anniverasay to you and Craig.
Enjoy your time out together.
Jody, I love the old door. I too have an old chippy door in my kitchen just prop up in the corner. I painted the glass with chalkboard paint and I love it~ Yours look so great, love the black shutter beside it! Great look on the lamp too! You have wonderful ideas!
Jody, You are not crazy to have a door propped up! Kevin would agree with your Craig about being crazy, but after 21 years Kevin goes with the flow! Give Craig another 11 years! Happy Anniversary. I LOVE the blanket crane you made and I'm impressed that you did it. Woodworking is NOT one of my talents, I wish it was, I always have to wait for Kevin to have time to help me (I really meant do it for me!) All of your rearranging looks great and your home is very inviting and prim pretty. ~Ann
Jody, I love all your ideals. Happy Anniversary!
Happy anniversary. I hope you have a wonderful evening out. I just love your door and your decorating. Your woodworking skills are great. It all looks so calm and peaceful. I have our old front door in our basement waiting for inspiration. My hubby also thought I was crazy to save it. Have a wonderful day.
Happy Anniversary, Jody & Craig! You've been busy - I can't believe how handy you are with a hammer and some wood!
Hello Jody...Happy Anniversary to you and your husband :) How cool is that??? I hope you had a great day too :)
Smiles Ivonne :)
Good morning Jody...fantastic make overs!
What a unique idea for the post - I love it!
Glad you had a great 4th even though Craig had to work...I guess that happens sometimes.
What a beautiful family you have...just gorgeous.
Those are the cutest nubby candles I have ever seen! You (and hubby) did a wonderful job on the blanket crane and bowl rack!
That is a wonderful place for the flag bunting. I bought some that I'm going to use as valances.
So glad to see you back! Happy belated Anniversary!!
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