I have been staying pretty busy working on some new things for the shop I sell handmades at in town. I made 4 large pumpkins and 4 of the medium size.

I made these signs also. They are huge (4 ft long x 8 inches tall), so they were too big to try and sell online I think- I don't even want to think what shipping would be!

As of right now anyway I don't use the "premade" stencils. You know, the kind that already have the sayings, etc already perfectly spaced out and all? No, I use alphabet stencils and do each letter one by one....tedious sometimes, but then I can customize my signs to say whatever I want and the only thing I am limited to is the font. The Autumn Gatherings signs above took me three hours to stencil- am I crazy?? LOL. Hmmm....may have to look at doing things an easier way. Hee hee!

I also made some candy corns and a pumpkin with a witch hat. I used a pattern by
Fine Country Living Primitives for the candy corns and a freebie pattern from a while back from
Tennessee Ridge Primitives for the witch hat pumpkin. (You should really go check out her site- she offers freebies all the time and changes them about once a month or so.) All these are going into town, but I am adding one set of the candy corns to my selling site if anyone is interested. These will probably be my last fall handmades as I am gearing up to finish some Christmas things I am making for the Twelve Days of Christmas shop in Casper again this year. It opens Thanksgiving weekend (Black Friday) and time doesn't stand still for me....especially when I'm running after two little ones. Hmmm....maybe I could duplicate myself? I should be careful what I wish for. LOL. I'll try and share the Christmas stuff in my next post......